Te Papa Exhibition.
Great Voyage.
August 2007.
Acrylic on canvas. Gloss glazed.
This painting was inspired by a dream. The symbol appeared in my thoughts recently when I was thinking about travelling and exploring the world. I researched into what this symbol meant and ancient maori's put this symbol at the front of a waka to bless it with safe journey. So I thought it was only right to include in an exhibition that I believe is the beginning to a very big journey for me.
Relax and clear your mind.Can you see what I see?
Papa and Rangi.
August 2007.
Acrylic on canvas.
This is a landscape that shows how Papa and Rangi were intwined with the universe and their compatiblity for each other. Using their love to enrich the birth of all living things.
Plaster on Hardwood engraved into,
Covered in multi-coloured glazes.
NOT completed in this photo. Now is screwed to a back border covered in traditional flax weave.
This is an exploration of contemporary materials representing a traditional motif. The Koru is made from plaster and engraved into with smaller symbols. The board then was covered in tinted glazes the colour of a paua shell/ ponamu greens.
Hapu Mother.
April 2007
Acrylic and ink on canvas board.
The two illusive symbls are both the mother and child. The curvy one is the mother outline of her pregnant body.The other the darts in from the top left corner is the beginning of the lifeline